10 information items found about population
Biological and computer study of a capture-mark-recapture experiment
( case of Mastomys erythroleucus in a trapping grid of the Bandia Reserve )
Community ecology of rodents in sahelian agro-ecosystems
( Research program and preliminary field results 2007-2008 )
Contribution of phylogeography to species conservation
( the case of Leopoldamys neilli in South-East Asia )
Genetics and evolution of the black rat (Rattus rattus), reservoir of plague in Madagascar
( Ph. D. thesis )
Identification of immunogenetic factors mediating rodent susceptibility to hantaviruses
( a candidate gene approach )
Phylogeography of the black rat (Rattus rattus) colonization in Madagascar
( a case study )
Population genetics of African rodents
( background information and three illustrative examples )
Presentation and delivery of the 'Rat-Sahel' scientific network
( Réseau Africain de Travail sur les rongeurs sahélo-soudaniens )
Rodents from the crops of the River Niger region in Mali
( Report of a mission in 1967 )
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the water vole
( keys to understanding the mechanism of selection )
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