I: Presentation and delivery of the 'Rat-Sahel' scientific network - SimMasto.org

Presentation and delivery of the 'Rat-Sahel' scientific network
Réseau Africain de Travail sur les rongeurs sahélo-soudaniens

Rat-Sahel is a network of scientists from various institutions working on community and population
biology of rodents from the sudano-sahelian eco-region.
The November 2013 meeting of this group was enlarged to colleagues having common research interests
on insect models.

Illustrations comprise :

     - 	The meeting report,
     - 	The slideshow for each presentation including the timetable and the descripti
        of the Rat-Sahel network,
     - 	The group picture of the meeting,
     - 	The list of participants.

(note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)diaporama  (note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)extrait  (note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)picture  (note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)rapport 
Keywords: 2010-2013 /  annual meeting /  arthropod /  biology /  Bruchinae /  Burkina-Fasochromosomecommunity /  crop /  cytogeneticsecologyecosystemFrance /  Gaston Berger Univ. (Saint-Louis, Senegal) /  genetics /  geography /  Gerbillusglobal changehost-parasite interaction /  insect /  institution /  invasive species /  IRD (Inst. Rech. Devel.) /  laboratoryMaliMurinaeMus musculusNiger /  parasitology /  pestpopulationproject /  Rat-Sahel network /  Rattusrodent /  scientists network /  SenegalspeciesSudano-sahelian eco-region /  ,

Access to generic themes covered: biological objectbio-process-mechanismconceptdiscipline or approachgeographical rangehabitatinstitutionlocationphenomenontaxontaxonomic leveltime rangetool

Navigation suggestion:Community ecology of rodents in sahelian agro-ecosystems (342)  
Source:Granjon, L., Dobigny, G. and J. Le Fur. (2013)file set provided for the 'Centre d'Informations' SimMasto, dec. 2013
Knowledge: no 044 , type: expertise , posted: 2013-12-02 , proposed by:Le Fur, Jean (IRD-CBGP)

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