I: CERISE project - data files for Mus musculus (house mouse) - SimMasto.org

CERISE project - data files for Mus musculus (house mouse)
SCEnarios of Rodent Invasion in the SahEl: Global change impact on the expansion of the Nigerian Gerbil and the House Mouse in Senegal

Access to the detailed data may be considered through collaborations : contact Laurent.granjon@ird.fr
file description:
- data on Mus musculus occurrences in Senegal
- location and market days of the main weekly markets.

(note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)contact  (note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)data file  (note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)data file 
Keywords: 2014-2017captureCERISE projectcommensal rodentdata collectiondatabasehouse mouse /  market /  Mus musculusSenegalvillage /  ,

Access to generic themes covered: biological objecthabitatlocationMethod and techniquephenomenonprojecttaxontime rangetool

Navigation suggestion:CERISE project - data files for Gerbillus nigeriae (105)  
Source:CERISE project data files (2018) coll.: Thiam, M. (IFAN), Duraffour, F. (CNRS), Borner, L. (CBGP), Granjon, L. (CBGP), Le Fur, J. (CBGP), Dalecky, A. (LPED)
Knowledge: no 050 , type: , posted: 2018-04-05 , proposed by:Granjon, Laurent and Jean Le Fur (IRD-CBGP)

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