I: Skull and teeth of sahelo-sudanian rodents - SimMasto.org

Skull and teeth of sahelo-sudanian rodents
identification guide of skeletal remains

Identification of rodents' cranial remains (e.g., as they can be found
in owl pellets) is important for taxonomy and biogeography studies.

The web page gives access to the cranial remains of the main rodents species.
The geographic area covered is the same as in Granjon and Duplantier 2009 (see
information 035-Rodents from Sahelo-Sudanian Africa).

The content exposed must be considered as a working tool only. It summarizes
most part of the drawings already published, as described in the 'literature used'
section of this web page, but not always easily accessible.

(note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)page_web 
Keywords: a-temporalAnomaluridaeCtenodactylidae /  Deomyinae /  DipodidaefamilygenusGerbillinaeGliridaeHystricidae /  identification guide /  literature drawing /  mandible /  morphologyMuridaeMurinaeNesomyidaerodent /  Rodentia /  SciuridaeskullspeciesSudano-sahelian eco-regiontaxonomyThryonomyidae /  tooth /  West Africa /  ,

Access to generic themes covered: biological objectdiscipline or approachgeographical rangelocationMethod and techniqueparametertaxontaxonomic leveltime rangetool

Navigation suggestion:Protocols for field and laboratory rodents (235)  
Source:Duplantier, J.M. (2011)Crânes et dents des rongeurs sahélo-soudaniens : Aide à l'identification des restes osseux (en particulier dans les pelotes de rapaces) d'après des dessins tirés de la bibliographie. Unpubl. Rep. CBGP, nov.2011, 80p.
Knowledge: no 040 , type: expertise , posted: 2012-01-03 , proposed by:Duplantier, Jean-Marc (IRD-CBGP)

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