I: Taxidermy of small rodents - SimMasto.org

Taxidermy of small rodents
history and illustrated methodology

In order to build up a rodent specimen collection, particularly useful for taxonomic
study, one proceeds with taxidermic (stuffing) tasks.

     - The webpage below provides information on nature and history of the discipline
        as well as on the equipment required and the different stages of the recommended 
      - The slideshow proposes a quick illustrated overview of the stuffing steps of a striped
        ground squirrel (Xerus erythropus).

(note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)diaporama  (note: click on the icon opens within the frame, click on the text opens in full window)page_web 
Keywords: anatomy /  collection /  conservation /  historical background /  individualorganismprotocolrodent /  skin /  skullspecies /  striped ground squirrel /  stuffing /  taxidermytechniqueXerus erythropus /  ,

Access to generic themes covered: biological objectdiscipline or approachMethod and techniquetaxontaxonomic leveltool

Navigation suggestion:Genetics and evolution of the black rat (Rattus rattus), reservoir of plague in Madagascar (202)  
Source:Sow, A. (2007) and Niang, Y. (2009)Internship reports on training courses in taxidermy at the IRD of Bamako. IRD-CBGP, Rapp. Multigr., 10 and 8 p.
Knowledge: no 032 , type: expertise , posted: 2010-05-21 , proposed by:Sarr, Nathalie and Laurent Granjon (IRD-CBGP)

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