I: Phylogeography and impacts of ancient climate changes on current biodiversity - SimMasto.org

Phylogeography and impacts of ancient climate changes on current biodiversity
focus on sub-saharian fauna

The purpose of this lecture is to outline the importance of phylogeographical approaches
to study the effect of ancient climate changes on the species stories and distribution.

These approaches were first developed on European species; they are now also increasingly
used for studying savannah or forest African species.

The diverse aspects of this approach (presented in the web page below) are supported by
examples taken from recent researches.

Keywords: Africaafrican fauna /  Apodemus sylvaticus /  biodiversity /  bushbuck /  clade /  climatic change /  dating /  Europegenetic markergeological time /  Giraffa camelopardalis /  giraffe /  gorilla /  Gorilla gorilla /  mammals /  Mastomys erythroleucusmitochondrial DNA /  paleoclimate /  phylogeographyprotocol /  refugia /  species /  Tragelaphus scriptus /  wood mouse /  ,

Access to generic themes covered: biological objectdiscipline or approachhabitatlocationMethod and techniqueparameterphenomenontaxontaxonomic leveltime rangetool

Navigation suggestion:Community ecology of rodents in sahelian agro-ecosystems (324)  
Source:Brouat, C. (2009)Support for the training course for master 2 students of the Cheick Anta Diop University, Dakar, April 2009.
Knowledge: no 028 , type: lecture , posted: 2010-06-04 , proposed by:Brouat, Carine (IRD-CBGP)

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