CBGP-GAS slideshows :  Influence of historical land use and modern agricultural expansion on the spatial and ecological divergence of sugarcane borer in Brazil

Influence of historical land use and modern agricultural expansion on the spatial and ecological divergence of sugarcane borer in Brazil
Influence de l'occupation des sols et de l'expansion agricole sur la divergence spatiale et écologique de la pyrale de la canne à sucre au Brésil

Presented by Pavinato, Vitor
CBGP postdoctorate 

Abstract (en)
Poster (en)
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*GT2. Adaptation of phytophagous species, their natural enemies and symbionts*GT5. Statistical and evolutionary population genomicsagricultural intensificationagricultureAphididae (aphids) /  Aphis glycines (the soybean aphid) /  Belgica antarctica (the Antarctic midge) /  Brazil /  Diatraea saccharalis (the sugarcane borer) /  ecological divergence /  evolutionary biologygenetic structureInsectaland useLepidoptera (butterfly)microsatellite dataphylogeographyphytophagous insectpopulation geneticsSaccharum officinarum (the sugarcane)United States of AmericaZea mays (the maize)

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     L) CBGP theme
Navigation suggestion:
     L’apport des suivis à grande échelle pour la compréhension de la dynamique de la flore des champs cultivés ( 72 )  
XP-095 / Talk delivered on 2018-03-20 / id: 39

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