CBGP-GAS slideshows :  Communautés de nématodes phytoparasites associées à l'olivier : réponses aux forçages anthropiques et environnementaux

Communautés de nématodes phytoparasites associées à l'olivier : réponses aux forçages anthropiques et environnementaux
Communities of plant parasitic nematodes associated with the olive tree

Presented by Ali, Nadine
CBGP thesis defense 
Supplementary material :
DOI access of the article Ali et al. (2014) in C.R. Biologies :
"Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with olive tree ( Olea europaea L.) with a focus on the Mediterranean Basin: A review"
Access to article
Affiche (fr)
Resume (fr)
Speaker's ResearchGate

*GT1. Origin and characterization of biodiversity*GT2. Adaptation of phytophagous species, their natural enemies and symbiontsagroecologybiodiversitybiological controlcommunity (nematods)genetic diversityMediterranean basin /  Meloidogyne spartelensis (root-knot nematode) /  molecular ecology /  Morocco /  Nematoda (round worm) /  Olea europaea (the olive tree) /  parasitism /  pedology /  phytoparasite /  soil

Related categories:
     A) Taxon (latin/vernacular names)
     B) Tool/method
     C) Process/phenomenon
     D) Bio-group (except taxon)
     E) Discipline/approach
     F) Location
     L) CBGP theme
     M) Biotope
Navigation suggestion:
     L’apport des suivis à grande échelle pour la compréhension de la dynamique de la flore des champs cultivés ( 125 )  
XP-037 / Talk delivered on 2015-10-01 / id: 32

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