CBGP-GAS slideshows :  Sources hydrothermales et suintements froids: des écosystèmes marins profonds basés sur la chimiosynthèse microbienne

Sources hydrothermales et suintements froids: des écosystèmes marins profonds basés sur la chimiosynthèse microbienne
Hydrothermal and cold seeps sources; deep marine ecosystems based on microbial chemosynthesis

Presented by Cruaud, Perrine
CBGP postdoctorate 

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Resume (fr)
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*GT1. Origin and characterization of biodiversity*GT6. High-speed molecular and biocomputing approachesabiotic factors /  abyss /  Archaea (single-celled microorganisms) /  biodiversity /  cold seep (suintement froid) /  cytotaxonomy /  ecosystemecosystem (aquatic) /  FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) /  Guaymas basin (Mexico) /  hydrogen sulfid (H2S) based ecosystem /  hydrothermal vent /  marine ecosystemmetagenomic 16S (High throuput sequencing)microbiology /  NMDS (Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling) /  Prokaryota (bacteria) /  pyrosequencing /  quantitative PCR /  Siboglinidae (annelids) /  symbiosis /  Vesicomyidae (molluscs) / 

Related categories:
     A) Taxon (latin/vernacular names)
     B) Tool/method
     C) Process/phenomenon
     D) Bio-group (except taxon)
     E) Discipline/approach
     F) Location
     L) CBGP theme
     M) Biotope
Navigation suggestion:
     Colonisation, diversification and extinction in Macaronesian birds: a synthesis of phylogenetic and fossil information ( 192 )  
XP-022 / Talk delivered on 2015-03-17 / id: 23

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